Here below some basic MCQ’s about biodiversity and conservation with answer which is explained in details. Let’s check one by one.
- Which of the following is NOT a cause of biodiversity loss?
a) Habitat destruction
b) Overexploitation
c) Conservation efforts
d) Climate change
Answer: c) Conservation efforts
Explanation: Conservation efforts aim to protect biodiversity, not harm it. Habitat destruction, overexploitation, and climate change are major threats leading to biodiversity loss.
- Biodiversity hotspots are regions that:
a) Have a high level of species richness
b) Are highly degraded
c) Have been completely conserved
d) Are free from human interference
Answer: a) Have a high level of species richness
Explanation: Biodiversity hotspots are regions that are rich in species but are also under threat from human activities. They contain a high number of endemic species (species found nowhere else).
- The term ‘biodiversity’ was coined by:
a) Edward O. Wilson
b) Charles Darwin
c) Ernst Mayr
d) Norman Myers
Answer: a) Edward O. Wilson
Explanation: Edward O. Wilson, an American biologist, popularized the term “biodiversity” and played a key role in its scientific development.
- Which of the following is an in situ conservation method?
a) Botanical garden
b) Wildlife sanctuary
c) Seed bank
d) Zoological park
Answer: b) Wildlife sanctuary
Explanation: In situ conservation involves protecting species in their natural habitats. Wildlife sanctuaries are areas where animals are protected in their native environment. Botanical gardens, seed banks, and zoological parks are ex situ conservation methods.
- The Red Data Book contains data on:
a) Endangered species
b) Extinct species
c) Fossil species
d) Domesticated species
Answer: a) Endangered species
Explanation: The Red Data Book, maintained by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), lists species that are at risk of extinction. It categorizes species as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered.
- Which of the following is the largest cause of species extinction today?
a) Pollution
b) Introduction of alien species
c) Habitat loss and fragmentation
d) Overhunting
Answer: c) Habitat loss and fragmentation
Explanation: The leading cause of species extinction is habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agricultural expansion.
- Sacred groves are an example of:
a) Ex situ conservation
b) Sustainable use of biodiversity
c) In situ conservation
d) Community reserves
Answer: c) In situ conservation
Explanation: Sacred groves are patches of forests that are traditionally protected by communities due to their religious or cultural beliefs. They are examples of in situ conservation where biodiversity is preserved in its natural environment.
- Which organization publishes the Red List of Threatened Species?
a) UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)
b) IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
c) WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature)
Answer: b) IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature)
Explanation: The IUCN publishes the Red List, which assesses the conservation status of plant and animal species globally, categorizing them based on their risk of extinction.
- Hotspots of biodiversity are characterized by:
a) High species diversity and high endemism
b) High species diversity and low endemism
c) Low species diversity and high endemism
d) Low species diversity and low endemism
Answer: a) High species diversity and high endemism
Explanation: Biodiversity hotspots are regions with a high level of species richness (diversity) and a large number of species that are found nowhere else (endemism).
- Which one of the following is an indirect method of biodiversity conservation?
a) Wildlife protection
b) Habitat restoration
c) Environmental awareness programs
d) Ex situ conservation
Answer: c) Environmental awareness programs
Explanation: Environmental awareness programs help in raising public consciousness about the importance of biodiversity conservation. While they are important, they do not directly involve the protection or restoration of habitats or species.
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