31. Which of the following can reduce the harmful effects of thermal pollution?
A) Cooling towers
B) Incinerators
C) Catalytic converters
D) Activated sludge systems
Answer: A) Cooling towers
Cooling towers are used to dissipate excess heat from industrial processes, thereby cooling the water before it is released back into the environment. This helps mitigate the effects of thermal pollution and protects aquatic ecosystems.
32. The Montreal Protocol was designed to reduce the emission of which pollutants?
A) Greenhouse gases
B) Volatile organic compounds
C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
D) Sulfur oxides
Answer: C) Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
The Montreal Protocol, adopted in 1987, aims to phase out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These substances damage the ozone layer, increasing the risk of harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation reaching the Earth’s surface.
33. Which of the following pollutants causes the most damage to the nervous system?
A) Sulfur dioxide
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Lead
D) Methane
Answer: C) Lead
Lead is a neurotoxin that can cause significant damage to the nervous system, particularly in children. It can result in cognitive impairment, behavioral issues, and developmental delays. Lead pollution is mainly caused by industrial processes, lead-based paints, and previously, leaded gasoline.
34. Which of the following is the main source of radioactive pollution in the environment?
A) Burning of coal
B) Use of nuclear energy
C) Agricultural runoff
D) Vehicular emissions
Answer: B) Use of nuclear energy
Radioactive pollution primarily comes from the use of nuclear energy, especially during accidents or improper disposal of radioactive waste. It can also result from mining of radioactive ores and nuclear weapons testing. Radioactive pollutants have long half-lives and can cause severe health problems, including cancer.
35. Which of the following gases is mainly responsible for the brown haze in the atmosphere, known as photochemical smog?
A) Sulfur dioxide
B) Nitrogen dioxide
C) Carbon monoxide
D) Hydrogen sulfide
Answer: B) Nitrogen dioxide
Photochemical smog, often observed as a brownish haze in urban areas, is caused by nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reacting in the presence of sunlight. The smog contains ozone (O₃) and other harmful pollutants, which irritate the respiratory system.
36. Which of the following is an important step in preventing eutrophication of water bodies?
A) Reducing the use of fertilizers
B) Increasing the use of fossil fuels
C) Planting more trees
D) Reducing industrial waste
Answer: A) Reducing the use of fertilizers
Eutrophication is caused by excess nutrients, particularly nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers, entering water bodies. Reducing fertilizer use or using controlled-release fertilizers can help prevent nutrient runoff and reduce the risk of eutrophication.
37. Which of the following can be classified as a point source of water pollution?
A) Urban stormwater runoff
B) Agricultural runoff
C) Discharge from a sewage treatment plant
D) Acid rain
Answer: C) Discharge from a sewage treatment plant
A point source of pollution is a single, identifiable source of pollutants, such as the discharge from a sewage treatment plant or an industrial facility. Non-point sources, such as urban stormwater or agricultural runoff, are diffuse and harder to pinpoint.
38. Which of the following pollutants is typically removed by electrostatic precipitators in power plants?
A) Sulfur oxides
B) Nitrogen oxides
C) Particulate matter
D) Carbon monoxide
Answer: C) Particulate matter
Electrostatic precipitators are devices used in industries and power plants to remove particulate matter from exhaust gases. They use electrical charges to attract and collect particles, thereby reducing air pollution.
39. Which of the following is the primary cause of ocean acidification?
A) Increase in methane emissions
B) Increase in carbon dioxide emissions
C) Increase in sulfur dioxide emissions
D) Increase in nitrogen oxides
Answer: B) Increase in carbon dioxide emissions
Ocean acidification is caused by the absorption of excess atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO₂) by seawater. This leads to the formation of carbonic acid, which lowers the pH of the ocean, affecting marine life, especially organisms with calcium carbonate shells, such as corals and shellfish.
40. Which of the following materials is commonly used to reduce soil pollution by heavy metals?
A) Lime
B) Lead
C) Organic fertilizers
D) Mercury
Answer: A) Lime
Lime (calcium carbonate) is often added to soils contaminated with heavy metals to neutralize acidity and reduce the solubility of toxic metals. This helps prevent the metals from being taken up by plants or leaching into groundwater.
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